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In a recent interview, Jeff Maggioncalda CEO of Coursera put in the latest plug for Coursera for Business. For those of us trying to read the tea leaves on this, it seems likely that the rumours of a Coursera pivot towards B2B (they’ve gone from 30 to 500 companies over 2017) as opposed to B2C are true. All MOOC platforms have made some sort of pivot to professionals, because they make up the core of their paying customer base but most do this by pushing for in-demand academic subjects such...
Nowadays, there are more opportunities than ever to learn online and the experience is generally a far cry from the dull, passive one some of our older readers may remember. With the advances in education technology, online courses offer much more than just video lectures. Students are required to actively engage with the content, take regular quizzes, play games, interact in discussion forums, and collaborate virtually on team projects. Although we may be adept at learning in other...
MOOCs to prepare you for College or Uni MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are free online courses put together by top universities and are a great way for students to get a taste of what it would be like to study a certain subject at college or university. Including MOOCs in your application is also a great way to show your enthusiasm and interest in a subject, making you stand out from the crowd. Those extra skills will give you the confidence you need to make an impression in...
7 Reasons to have a Study Buddy Studying in partnership with a Study buddy is a great way to share out the workload, save time, gain new perspectives and stay motivated. Much research has demonstrated that those who learn together in small groups tend to have a better success rate than those who study alone. And this is particularly true in the case of online learning. Mostly, best practices for studying effectively with someone else are the same whether you're meeting in person or...
Gain Transferable College Credit with MOOCs MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) don't usually award college credit to graduates. Recently, however, some higher education institutions have partnered with the major MOOC platforms to deliver the first MOOCs with the option to gain credit. Although these programs do have a cost, it is considerably lower than the equivalent campus courses. The courses are online and open to anyone with no application or transcripts required, and will grant...