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In 2013, the Open Universities Australia (OUA) launched Open2Study, a MOOC platform offering 50 free courses focusing on concrete career skills. The courses, which included free course certificates, were sourced from the Australian universities involved with the Open Universities consortium and also from corporate partners. It has become apparent that the site has been quietly closing down their free offering by gradually removing courses from their catalogue of free courses. There...
When browsing courses offered on MOOC platform Coursera, you'll notice that some course and Specialization pages are now marked with a badge stating "Included with Coursera Plus". Coursera Plus is a new subscription option that lets you pay an annual fee to access the majority of the courses, Specializations and some Professional Certificates on Coursera with no limit to the number of courses you can enroll in or Course Certificates you can earn. Courses granting credit, such as Degree...
According to a report published by MoocLab in December 2017, the total global number of MOOC participants is estimated to be in excess of 100 million learners worldwide. While some learners take MOOCs out of personal interest, for others, enhancing their job prospects is the primary goal by gaining course certificates. This raises the question of how these courses and certificates are viewed by potential employers, especially in comparison to more traditional credentials. The fundamental...