The Science of Religion

The Science of Religion

Drawing on new scientific advances, this religion course examines foundational questions about the nature of religious belief and practice.

The course is based on the idea that religion is a naturalistic phenomenon — meaning it can be studied and better understood using the tools of science. Religious belief and practice emerge naturally from the structure of human psychology, and have an important impact on the structure of societies, the way groups relate to each other, and the ability of human beings to cooperate effectively.

Topics to be covered will include traditional and contemporary theories of religion, with a special emphasis on cultural evolutionary models.

Length: 6 weeks
Effort: 2-3 hours per week
Price: FREE (Add a verified certificate for $49 USD)
Provider: The University of British Columbia via edX
Subject: Religion
Level: Introductory
Languages: English
Instructors: Edward Slingerland and Azim Shariff

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