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      Group Manager
      • Study Buddy Subject:

      • School/University:

      • I'm studying for:

      • Level of Knowledge:

        Pretty confident
      • Preferred language:

        English, Tamil, French
      • Timezone:

        UTC +2
      • About me:

        Name: Aneston
        Age: 20
        Gender: M
        From: Europe
        Language(s) you speak: Tamil, French, English, German
        Education level: 1st year
        Major/field: Medicine
        Timezone: GMT+1
        Average days/week you study: 6-7
        Average hours/day you study: ~10
        I usually start studying at (local time): 1pm
        I usually stop studying at (local time): 11pm

        What intervals do you usually use when studying?
        1. 50 minute work, 10 minute break, repeat (pomodoro technique)
        2. When im not motivated or focused (as less as possible) 25 minute work, 5 minute break, repeat

        How would you like to study together and keep each other accountable?
        1. By sharing our goals
        2. By motivating ourselves
        3. By posting session/day goals and asking each other how we did

        Why are you seeking a study buddy? To be less lonely, less distracted, less bored and more motivated while studying

        What would you like to achieve in the long term by having a study buddy? Waking up earlier, have a more consistent study schedule, be less bored while studying, meet good people etc...

        How long (in the long-term) are you planning to study with your study partner? As long as it's possible

        Anything specific you're looking for in your study partner? Someone kind and respectful :)... And a minimum of dedication would be nice as well! Preference for medical student but not necessary.
      Active Member From Suisse
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