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Courses Free Online Courses for Mental Health Awareness Month


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May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time when people come together to fight stigma around mental illness, provide support, and educate. Mental illness impacts millions of people each year, and this month, we are highlighting some top online courses related to mental health and well-being. All the courses listed can be accessed for free.

Courses on Mental Health and Well-Being
  1. The Science of Well-Being from Yale University via Coursera
  2. Psychological First Aid from Johns Hopkins University via Coursera
  3. Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19 from the University of Toronto via Coursera
  4. The Social Context of Mental Health and Illness from the University of Toronto via Coursera
  5. Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health from the University of Sydney via Coursera
  6. Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance from Monash University via FutureLearn
  7. Young People and Their Mental Health from University of Groningen and The University of Cambridge via FutureLearn
  8. Managing Mental Health and Stress from Coventry University via FutureLearn
  9. Psychological First Aid: Supporting Children and Young People from Public Health England via FutureLearn
  10. The Foundations of Happiness at Work from The University of California, Berkeley via edX
  11. 'Talk to me': Improving mental health and suicide prevention in young adults by Curtin University via edX
  12. Mental Health and Nutrition by University of Canterbury via edX