What is the difference between a http://freecodecamp.com and other expensive coding boot...

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Ken Mazaika

FreeCodeCamp is a collection of mostly free materials available online, that are put together to give you things you'd need to know. It also provides a platform to work together with other people to help out non-profits.

It's quite similar to theOdinProject, in the sense that it provides the context and the glue for many different resources out there and you don't have to worry about the quality of the material you're going through since quality content gets curated.

FreeCodeCamp is different from online coding bootcamps, like theFirehoseProject, where I code mentor in a few key ways.

  • Rather than curated content, we have original content. By having the content original, we have the ability to act upon user feedback in real time and improve the quality. As soon as we get a question about the content it immediately causes us to wonder "how can we improve the quality of the material so students don't have that question". If the bulk of the material is curated content, you don't have the freedom to improve it.
  • We have 1-on-1 mentor sessions with an experienced programmers.
  • We have office hours in a video chat where you can talk to experienced programmers and ask them questions with peers who are learning with you (you also can ask your peers questions there).
  • The program is custom tailored to make sure each to each student, rather than being a static experience.

As well as a number of other differences. I think if you're considering FreeCodeCamp, you should go for it. There isn't any downside. If you feel you aren't progressing fast enough, you might want to check out a different program.

FreeCodeCamp is different from traditional coding bootcamps in many ways as well.
  • Instruction at traditional coding bootcamps happens in the classroom, rather than online.
  • Instructors give in-person lectures to students who are physically present.
  • Many traditional coding bootcamps have partner company networks that support job placement.

My suggestion for anyone considering either is to go through a number of free/inexpensive coding resources before making the decision to apply to a coding bootcamp, either online or in person. The FreeCodeCamp looks like a solid option for many people.

If you go through it and feel you aren't progressing fast enough, then you should consider a more intensive coding bootcamp.

We've gotten a number of questions about coding bootcamps and what the differences are. Check out our guide to coding bootcamps, it gives a pretty detailed run-down.

The Definitive Guide to Choosing a Coding Bootcamp

Happy hacking! :)

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