Is online MBA offered by Smartly - Free Online MBA & Career Network equivalent to regular MBA?

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Raphael Mun

I’m one of the students in the first class at Smartly and might have a bit more insight as many of us in the class were skeptically wondering about this as well and the short answer is, yes, Smartly is a real, licensed MBA degree.

It seems like most of our class found out about Smartly through Instagram ads and I’d been considering an MBA for a few years and had even taken the GMAT but held off on it due to time & money and this was a perfect match for me. The more detailed answer to your question is they are licensed through the Washington DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education to award the masters degree and their coursework was developed by experts like professors at Harvard and encompasses everything that would be covered by a “regular MBA” from accounting and finance to business strategies and statistical decisions & inference. But because Smartly (and the company, Pedago) is new, it will take time to go through an accreditation process and therefore is not accredited yet like other established institutions. It doesn’t mean it’s easy though and the application process is highly selective and when we did a student Q&A session with the founders, they described it as being the first elite online MBA.

As far as value and credibility goes with Smartly, I just finished the final exam recently and can say that the coursework has been amazingly helpful and applicable to my own work and my fellow students say it’s helped them with their job searches and interviews as well as negotiations. The Career Network seems to be still in early stages but if you get accepted, to be able to get an MBA in much shorter time than 2 years and without the $100–200k student debt all while being flexible enough to work with your schedule and get through lessons in bitesized 10–15 minutes at a time is pretty incredible and especially after going through Smartly, I’m convinced this style of education is the future. I think my fellow classmates would agree too since they were posting in our group page after finishing the final exam about how amazing this program was for them and how excited they were to finally be done.

Hope this helps!

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