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15 New Professional Certificate Programs with edX

Professional Certificate Programs are the latest initiative launched by non-profit MOOC platform, edX.

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These programs are designed to help develop the critical skills and knowledge that are most in-demand in today's jobs, such as digital marketing, virtual reality and data science. They are each made up of a series of career relevant courses created by industry leaders and top universities, and provide a flexible and affordable online learning format suitable for today's professionals.

Professional Certificate Programs typically run over a 2-6 month period, allowing learners to quickly reskill or upskill in order to advance their career or position themselves for a new job.

Individual courses within each program can be audited for free, but learners wishing to gain a certificate will be required to pay a fee.

EdX have launched 15 New Professional Certificate Programs from 13 universities and companies across the globe.

Explore the new program offerings here ...