
  1. Coursera

    Coursera An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1)

    Overview This two-part course is designed to help students with very little or no computing background learn the basics of building simple interactive applications. Our language of choice, Python, is an easy-to learn, high-level computer language that is used in many of the computational courses...
  2. Coursera

    Coursera An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2)

    Overview This two-part course is designed to help students with very little or no computing background learn the basics of building simple interactive applications. Our language of choice, Python, is an easy-to learn, high-level computer language that is used in many of the computational courses...
  3. Coursera

    Coursera Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

    Overview This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate...
  4. Coursera

    Coursera Python Data Structures

    Overview This course will introduce the core data structures of the Python programming language. We will move past the basics of procedural programming and explore how we can use the Python built-in data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and tuples to perform increasingly complex data...
  5. Coursera

    Coursera Using Python to Access Web Data

    Overview This course will show how one can treat the Internet as a source of data. We will scrape, parse, and read web data as well as access data using web APIs. We will work with HTML, XML, and JSON data formats in Python. This course will cover Chapters 11-13 of the textbook “Python for...
  6. Coursera

    Coursera Using Databases with Python

    Overview This course will introduce students to the basics of the Structured Query Language (SQL) as well as basic database design for storing data as part of a multi-step data gathering, analysis, and processing effort. The course will use SQLite3 as its database. We will also build web...
  7. edX

    edX Introduction to Python: Absolute Beginner

    This course is part of the Microsoft Professional Program in Entry-Level Software Development. Brand new to text-based programming? Check out this hands-on course for an in-depth look at the details of Python layers and concepts. Get ample practice drills and projects, using Jupyter Notebooks...
  8. edX

    edX Introduction to Python: Fundamentals

    Overview This course is part of the Microsoft Professional Program in Entry-Level Software Development. Ready for more hands-on, step-by-step Python fundamentals? Add to the foundational experience you got in the Introduction to Python: Absolute Beginner, and explore data structures. Get lots...
  9. edX

    edX CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript

    Overview Topics include database design, scalability, security, and user experience. Through hands-on projects, you'll learn to write and use APIs, create interactive UIs, and leverage cloud services like GitHub and Heroku. By course's end, you'll emerge with knowledge and experience in...
  10. FutureLearn

    FutureLearn Object-oriented Programming in Python: Create Your Own Adventure Game

    Overview A fun introduction to object-oriented programming in Python Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm based on objects and data rather than actions and logic. This online course will introduce you to the principles of object-oriented programming in Python, showing you how...
  11. edX

    edX Analytics in Python

    Overview Data is the lifeblood of an organization. Competency in programming is an essential skill for successfully extracting information and knowledge from data. The goal of this course is to introduce learners to the basics of programming in Python and to give a working knowledge of how to...
  12. Coursera

    Coursera Computational Investing, Part I

    Overview Why do the prices of some companies’ stocks seem to move up and down together while others move separately? What does portfolio “diversification” really mean and how important is it? What should the price of a stock be? How can we discover and exploit the relationships between equity...
  13. Carolyn

    12 Most Popular Courses on Coursera

    The world's #1 MOOC platform, Coursera, has shared with me their 12 most popular courses currently available for enrolment. Discover courses in Machine Learning, Data Science, Finance and more from the likes of Stanford, Yale, Johns Hopkins and other top universities. Coursera offers a 7-day...
  14. Carolyn

    Learn to Program with these Top 4 Intro MOOCs

    Whether your goal is to start a career as a full-time programmer or you're just looking to get a better idea of how it all works, knowing how to code is a valuable skill in today's technology driven world. To help you get started, here is a list of 4 top-rated MOOCs that will teach you the...
  15. RMOTR

    Coding Bootcamp RMOTR

    Overview RMOTR is a 4-month online bootcamp in Python Web Development and Data Science with instructors and mentors available on a daily basis to provide instructional aid. The platform is organized so that students build effective study habits through a weekly routine while tracking progress to...
  16. Carolyn

    Top MOOCs to Master Python

    What is Python? Python is a general purpose programming language which is used for backend web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing. Why learn Python? Python is beginner-friendly as it closely resembles the English Language and has become one of the most...
  17. M

    What are some good online courses to learn Python from scratch?

    I have limited knowledge of coding and would like to learn Python - any recommendations? Thanks
  18. Carolyn

    Top 10 Courses and Specializations in February on Coursera

    Coursera have shared with us their top 10 Courses and Specializations based on the number of enrolments in February 2018. 1. Deep Learning If you want to break into AI, this Specialization will help you do so. Deep Learning is one of the most highly sought after skills in tech. We will help...
  19. A

    Python Data Science Handbook

    I am looking for a study buddy for this book: Python Data Science Handbook | Python Data Science Handbook I plan to finish it in two months starting from today. Anyone interested?
  20. Carolyn

    5 of the Most Coveted Specializations on Coursera

    Specializations were first introduced by MOOC Platform, Coursera, in January 2014 aiming to allow students to develop "mastery in a specific subject" through a series of related courses that often end with a capstone project. With only a handful of such learning programs available at the start...