Causes of Human Disease: Exploring Cancer and Genetic Disease

FutureLearn Causes of Human Disease: Exploring Cancer and Genetic Disease

University of Leeds
4 hours/week
2 weeks
Paid Certificate Available
Part of
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Understand the role of genes in cancer and genetic disease
It’s widely known that some diseases run in families. The discovery of the structure of DNA and the unravelling of the genetic code has led to a deeper understanding of such diseases. We now know more about the genetic basis of cancer and how cancer cells are formed and reproduce. On this course you’ll explore the structure of DNA, its processes and learn how genetic disease results from DNA alterations. You’ll look closely at the nature of these changes, causes and risk factors – this is vital in the case of cancer, as prevention has proved to be an effective way of managing this disease.

The course is suitable for anyone with a general interest in the science behind causes of human disease. No previous knowledge or experience is required. If you are working in nursing, healthcare or social care, or just wish to learn more, this course is designed to support you as a professional. By completing all aspects of the course you will have achieved 14 hours of CPD time.

What topics will you cover?
  • The chemical structure of DNA, genes and chromosomes.
  • The importance of DNA in understanding the causes of genetic diseases.
  • DNA replication and cell reproduction.
  • The role of genes and proteins in controlling the activities of the cell and the cell cycle.
  • How genes and chromosomes can be permanently altered when mistakes happen during DNA replication.
  • The wide variety of different agents that can cause cancer.
  • The differences between normal cells and cancer cells.
  • Causes of genetic disease.
  • Different types of genetic diseases and how they may arise.

Taught by
Phil Burns
First release
Last update
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