Why are courses on Udemy hundreds of dollars and then go on sale for 90% off? Does this...

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Dave Espino

Many high-quality courses are sold through these big-discount Udemy promotions, mine included, so it is not a reflection of the course quality.

Udemy runs these promotions for one important reason:

To drive more new students to their site

Although Udemy began in 2010, it is still in its initial startup / growth phase and is aggressively driving traffic so as to build their student base fast and lead the way for all other learning platforms. (it's a race to see who gets the most students, basically)

One of the ways you can quickly build a massive student base is through discounting. (this discounting often annoys Udemy instructors, who have poured their life's work into a course, only to see it heavily discounted through a Udemy promotion - however, an instructor can opt out of Udemy promotions, if they so choose... So there is nothing forcing them to participate in these discounts)

Discounting is Udemy's way of getting more of their visitors enrolled in courses.

This way, the student wins, (by getting a highly valued course at a minimal price) the instructor wins (by having a new paying student who may go on to buy more of that instructor's courses in the future) and Udemy wins. (by gathering more and more students into their "net")

Most savvy business people realize that heavily discounting a digital product like this is a good move, mainly because - once the course is published - it doesn't really cost the instructor anything to deliver the course, so any new student is seen as a plus in the long run.

Reference: Dave Espino | Udemy instructor with 40 courses published| Udemy

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