How will Coursera compete with Harvard and Stanford?

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Abhinav Sharma

I don't think it will. Going to a school like Harvard and Stanford has benefits Coursera doesn't yet offer.

  • A very recognizable brand name
  • Access to an alumni network
  • A well-rounded liberal arts education
  • You're trusted with resources to work with the best people on the world's hardest problems (especially in grad school)
  • Collaboration is much more effective in physical proximity.
  • These schools have enough endowment that they can offer free rides to their very cream of the crop, so money isn't really an issue for those few.

The ones who really have to worry about Coursera are online degree programs from non top-tier universities. Coursera is in the process of establishing a credential with their verified certificates.

What something like Coursera can do is take content from a top school like Stanford and give you a degree certifying that you've learnt it (though Stanford currently doesn't support Coursera verified certificates), for a fraction of the cost (~$50 per course, free if you need financial aid vs. thousands of dollars)

I think the University of Phoenix has a lot more to worry about in the near future than Stanford or Harvard do.

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