How much useful math knowledge can I learn just from

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Doug Massey

If you mastered all 1090 math skills on Khan Academy, you would be absolutely rock solid through high school -- as in, you'd coast to a perfect math SAT score -- and the most common college math classes (Calc I and II, Multivariable Calc, Linear Algebra, Discrete Math, Ordinary and Partial Diff Eq, Complex Variables, Set Theory, Game Theory and Probability, give or take a few classes) would all be pretty darn easy for you to ace. Khan Academy isn't exhaustive, so if you just went to the final exam of a Partial Differential Equations exam without going to the class at all, I suspect you'd pass the test, but with a B- or something. But all those classes would be a *breeze* to take -- you'd have all the fundamentals and could focus your attention on the portions of the instructor's lesson that she considers important, but wasn't addressed in Khan.

You would be, however, unprepared for mathematical jobs. Khan Academy just isn't thorough enough. You'll still need to go to college.

Where could you go after finishing all the topics? College. Like I said, you'd breeze through the math portion of any degree like Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, etc., and you'd be more ready to start a degree in Mathematics than any high school student you've ever met. But even mastering all of Khan doesn't guarantee that a Mathematics degree will come easily; there is so much more to learn there that Khan never touches (probably because there are so few people who those topics would interest and mostly because Khan is not knowledgeable enough to make the videos).

Finally -- as someone who has used Khan Academy with hundreds of students -- I will tell you unequivocally that it is *NOT* the best way to learn math. Human teachers are better because they offer a two-way dialogue that no computer system ever could. Khan Academy is the best tool for *practicing* math that I've ever seen (at least among the free options) and is absolutely splendid for reviewing material and getting back up to speed on topics you've learned in the past.

Best of luck to you!

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