How much does Supermemo - Anki or other learning - memorizing softs improve your skills? Is...

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Judith Meyer

It has helped me a ton. The algorithm is set to test you on a word or fact exactly when you're likely to forget it, and it works. It is much more efficient than any paper-based SRS could be, because it allows for precise scheduling.

I have a deck of 3952 cards, mostly Chinese characters that I learned to recognize, some also learned to produce, and some Chinese two-character words. I used this in 2009, when I wanted to raise my character count to 3000 in one year, next to my other studies. My statistics tell me that I did 62964 repetitions for a total of 70 hours spent on Anki to learn and retain this amount of information. I learned 500 characters between August 1st and September 9th alone, in one of my more intensive study bouts in that year. If you enroll in China Studies at my university, with 10+ hours of Chinese classes a week, you're only supposed to memorize 800 character a year total. Yet students struggle with that amount, miserably. They could definitely benefit from Anki.

As for long-term retention, I just re-opened this deck after not working with it for over 2 years and reviewed some of the cards that Anki categorizes as "mature". I missed 6 out of 50. While I was actively using it, my overall retention of "mature" cards was 87.6%. I hear that is less than typical for Anki, probably because some people prefer to look at each card longer and commit it to memory; I use Anki more impatiently and like reviewing my cards very quickly; it feels more rewarding.

Here's a video that visualizes the advantage of using an SRS:

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