How does Coursera verify/validate a user by the way they type?

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Erik Doey

According to what I heard, and read, the keystroke recognition mechanisms take into consideration many factors:

-Speed of typing, not so reliable, sometimes fast, sometimes slow

-Dwell time - the time during which a particular key is pressed. This then gives rise to a lot of variations, because for example, you may press the ASDF JKL very fast since it is on the natural keyboard finger positions, however, the ZXCV, all the obscured keys, will be where the difference become most distinct. So each person, then each different key, has different time, there's a lot of variations.

-Flight time - the time between the current key and the next key. This works the same way as the Dwell time, so it acts as another layer of verification.

The Dwell time and flight time together made the main pattern of the typing rhythm, so this is almost the main part of the signature typing pattern.

-The identity of the shift-key. Whether it is left shift key or right shift key. This is less important.

-Mistake-making pattern. Different people have different ways to approach and correct their typos. Some dont care. Some people use backspace and delete the whole thing and retype. Some people use a mouse and click on the mistake site. Some people use arrows to move to the mistake position.

I asked a few of my friends to type in to check before. None succeeded. Sometimes I also intentionally type in some obscure manner to test, also didn't work. So I think it was pretty reliable.

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