How do I learn all (I mean everything) of the Linux commands?

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Active Member
Greg Kemnitz

I agree that for the most part, you can learn obscure commands as you need them. If I were to recommend a short list of commands, I'd say:
  • Commands useful in scripts
1. Learn Bash as a programming language. (Yes, it is one) Pipes, subshells, job control, and process handling are all useful to know well.
2. Learn how commands react when they exit on success and exit on error, so you can process them in Bash scripts.
3. Learn sed, awk, grep, and egrep.
4. Occasionally, sort and uniq can be useful, as is expr for calculations.
5. It's also worth knowing how to use date for date formatting on occasion, particularly if you're doing bash scripts that create files with dates in the filename.

  • Other commands worth knowing well
1. The "find" command is very useful for working with big directory trees, especially if used with its -exec option, including such things as -exec grep, etc.
2. The "ps" command in its full glory is useful.
3. Obviously, ls, cd, pushd/popd.
4. man itself
5. Your favorite browser, so you can ask questions and google up the more obscure commands :) Linux and Unix have a lot of apps that you'll use once a year and basically forget the rest of the time.

  • Learn either the emacs or vi editor really well, including the global "line edit" modes, which are shockingly powerful.
Personally, I'm a "vi" guy, but will forgive you if you become an emacs person :) But learn to edit directly on Linux and not in notepad or a "cut & paste" style editor. Also, I'd advise not getting too attached to GUI-level tools - the command line is your friend, and if you're doing serious Linux, you will need to work in environments where no GUI is available.

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