
  1. edX

    edX Introductory AP® Microeconomics

    Overview Want to learn how individuals and businesses make the decisions that drive our economy - and use those skills to ace the Microeconomics AP® exam? This is the course for you! This economics course is an introduction to basic microeconomic principles. You will learn how individuals make...
  2. Coursera

    Coursera Microeconomics: When Markets Fail

    Overview Perfect markets achieve efficiency: maximizing total surplus generated. But real markets are imperfect. In this course we will explore a set of market imperfections to understand why they fail and to explore possible remedies including as antitrust policy, regulation, government...
  3. Coursera

    Coursera Microeconomics: The Power of Markets

    Overview We make economics decisions every day: what to buy, whether to work or play, what to study. We respond to markets all the time: prices influence our decisions, markets signal where to put effort, they direct firms to produce certain goods over others. Economics is all around us. This...
  4. Coursera

    Coursera Microeconomics Principles

    Overview This course offers an introduction to the functions of individual decision-makers—both consumers and producers—within the larger economic system. Emphasis is on the nature and functions of product markets, the theory of the firm under varying conditions of competition and monopoly, and...
  5. Coursera

    Coursera The Power of Microeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World

    Overview In this course, you will learn all of the major principles of microeconomics normally taught in a quarter or semester course to college undergraduates or MBA students. Perhaps more importantly, you will also learn how to apply these principles to a wide variety of real world...
  6. edX

    edX Fundamentals of Microeconomics

    Overview Are you interested in obtaining a solid background in economics? This economics course offers a thorough view of markets, including their strengths and failures. You will learn how to view markets from an economist’s perspective to help you better understand the most relevant economic...
  7. Coursera

    Coursera Strategic Business Management - Microeconomics

    Overview This course weds business strategy with the principles of microeconomics. It offers valuable a powerful toolbox together with cases and lessons across all major functions of business, management, from finance, operations management, and marketing to human resource management...