Teaching Physical Computing with Raspberry Pi and Python

FutureLearn Teaching Physical Computing with Raspberry Pi and Python

Raspberry Pi Foundation
2 hours/week
4 weeks
Paid Certificate Available
Course Link
Over four weeks, you’ll develop your knowledge of simple electronics and computing, setting up your Raspberry Pi and writing your first program using the Python programming language.

You’ll apply your newfound knowledge to a series of challenges, including controlling an LED with Python, using a button press to control a circuit, and making a button and LED game.

If you’re a teacher, you’ll also have the chance to develop ideas for using the Raspberry Pi and Python in your classroom, and to connect with a network of other educators.

This course is designed for anyone interested in Physical Computing.

It will be of particular use to non-subject-specialist teachers, computing teachers, and design and technology teachers who are interested in using the Raspberry Pi and Python in their classroom.
  • a Raspberry Pi (models B+ through to 3)
  • a microSD card (8GB minimum) with our Raspbian operating system installed
  • a monitor and HDMI cable (or VGA adaptor)
  • a USB keyboard and mouse
  • a 400-point breadboard
  • 3 LEDs, a button, 330Ω resistors and jumper cables (male to female).
What topics will you cover?
  • Introduction to the Raspberry Pi computer. Explore setting up the Raspberry Pi hardware and software and booting your Pi for the first time.
  • Write your first simple Python program, and make a simple reaction game.
  • Consider the importance of success and failure when learning.
  • Discover how simple circuits work, how to connect an LED to your Raspberry Pi, and how to switch your LED on and off using Python code to create light sequences.
  • Understand different kinds of input devices that can be used to sense the real world. Connect and take input from a simple button, and learn how to build your own buttons from simple craft materials.
  • Apply your knowledge about physical computing to create a digital making project that is shared with and reviewed by your peers.

Taught by
James Robinson
First release
Last update
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