Get Organized: How to be a Together Teacher

Coursera Get Organized: How to be a Together Teacher

Relay Graduate School of Education
1-3 hours a week
6 weeks
Paid Certificate Available
Course Link
This course is designed for classroom teachers who juggle time-sensitive tasks and often-exhausting teaching schedules. With an eye toward long-term sustainability, The Together Teacher examines the purpose for planning ahead, provides tools for tracking time commitments, deadlines and tasks, and helps teachers develop a personal organization system that interacts with their day-by-day practices.

All teachers, from the pen & paper list maker to the tech-savvy digital maven, will benefit from the no-nonsense approach to "togetherness" that's presented in this course. We don't care what format you use; we care that you know when you have free time during the day, and that you have a plan for using it.

Welcome & Orientation
In this introductory session, you’ll explore the difference between ‘organization’ and ’togetherness,’ survey your own strengths and weaknesses and draft a goal for completing the course.

Weekly Worksheet
The Weekly Worksheet helps teachers plan their lives for the next 5-7 days. This session introduces the worksheet, shows examples from real teachers, and asks learners to build their own.

Comprehensive Calendar
Calendars become comprehensive when they hold every important event and deadline in a teacher’s life. This session will show you how to build one.

Upcoming To-Do List
Here’s a secret: I hate post-it notes. This session will introduce the Upcoming To-Do List and provide a path toward ditching random lists and building one that you can always count on.

Weekly Round-Up
Now that you’ve created a weekly worksheet, comprehensive calendar and upcoming to-do list, this session shows you how they all work together. Get ready for the Weekly Round-Up.

Templates & Teacher Interviews
This session is full of optional resources you might want to explore. Download templates and watch great interviews from our teachers.

Taught by
Maia Heyck-Merlin
First release
Last update
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