German Language CLEP

Language CLEP German Language CLEP

Exam Cost
6 - 12
Study Program
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The German Language examination is designed to measure knowledge and ability equivalent to that of students who have completed two to four semesters of college German language study. It focuses on skills typically achieved from the end of the first year through the second year of college study; material taught during both years is incorporated into a single examination.

The examination is administered in three separately timed sections:

  • Sections I and II: Listening
  • Section III: Reading
The examination contains approximately 120 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. The three sections are weighted so that each question contributes equally to the total score. Any time candidates spend on tutorials or providing personal information is in addition to the actual testing time.

Most colleges that award credit for the German Language examination award either two or four semesters of credit, depending on the candidate's score on the exam.

Knowledge and Skills Required
Questions on the German Language examination require candidates to demonstrate the abilities listed in each section below. The percentages indicate the approximate percentage of exam questions focused on each ability.

Sections I and II:

15% Rejoinders
Ability to understand spoken language through short stimuli or everyday situations
25% Dialogues and Narratives
Ability to understand the language as spoken by native speakers in longer dialogues and narratives

Section III:

16% Part A: Discrete sentences: Mastery of vocabulary and structure in the context of sentences
20% Part B: Short cloze passages: Mastery of vocabulary and structure in the context of paragraphs
24% Part C: Reading comprehension: Ability to read and understand texts representative of various styles and levels of difficulty (e.g., passages of about 200 words; shorter pieces such as advertisements, signs, etc.)
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