English as a Medium of Instruction for Academics

FutureLearn English as a Medium of Instruction for Academics

University of Southampton
4 hours/week
4 weeks
Paid Certificate Available
Course Link
Learn how to teach your subject in English

As universities work to become globally competitive courses taught in English are expanding.

Those working in Higher Education are often thrown into producing academic work in English – either as teachers or researchers – without training in English language or intercultural skills.

This course aims to remedy that, giving you a thorough introduction to English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI). You’ll learn about current EMI practice, and increase your confidence in using English, you’ll also work to grow your intercultural skills.

Join us and get prepared for the global classroom.

This short course has been created for non-native speakers of English, required to teach in HE through the medium of English. The ideas underpinning the course are based in the work of Professor Jennifer Jenkins and researchers at the Centre for Global Englishes.

What topics will you cover?
  • What is EMI?
  • Different contexts of EMI use and different interpretations/meanings of the term including internationalisation ‘at home’
  • Latest research findings and discussions about how ELF research has influenced EMI
  • The role of language in effective intercultural communication
  • Useful language for presenting ideas in English (e.g. signposting language)
  • The use of the voice in effective intercultural communication, e.g. clarity, speed of delivery, intonation etc
  • How far is accuracy in language important?
  • Issues and challenges in lecturing for a multilingual and multicultural audience
  • Facilitating and managing effective communication in small groups or seminars
  • Recognising cultural differences in the international classroom and avoiding stereotypes
  • Practical tips for addressing intercultural challenges

Taught by
Robert Baird and Mary Page
First release
Last update
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