Which programming language is easiest to read by humans?

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Mark Harrison

Literate Haskell.

Literate Haskell is a convention for writing Haskell in which all lines except those starting with a “>” symbol are assumed to be comments.

So, if I wanted to define a factorial function in Haskell, I could do so in two parts. In the first part I’ll establish the base case:

> fact 0 = 1

Then I’ll establish the case for a recursive step:

> fact n = n * fact (n-1)

Remember what I wrote about the assumptions about comment lines?

This entire answer is a completely valid Haskell program!

I ought to mention, for completeness, that there are better ways to define the factorial function in Haskell, such as

> newfact n = foldl (*) 1 [1..n]

… but that code, while shorter, is less comprehensible to someone new to the language, since it involves both understanding the way that array construction can be done (the [1..n]) syntax, and the foldl function.

Folding is a powerful concept in functional composition, but a bit outside the scope of this answer. The idea of folding an operator as simple as (*) which is the infix multiplication function, is trivial, and the code above is more normally used as explaining what folding is about than writing factorials :)

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