Was object-oriented programming a failure?

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Joël Schaerer

OOP is an immense success. It is a major part of most successful real-world programming languages.

Object-Oriented religion, on the other hand, is an incredible failure that cost, and still costs, billions in failed projects and unreadable code.

The difference is subtle: OOP, when used correctly, is only one tool among others: functional programming, imperative programming, etc. Multi-paradigm languages such as Python, C++ or Go are good examples of this.

Object-oriented religion, on the other hand, is a kind of cargo-cult programming: I've heard that objects are great, let's make everything an object! Let's force people to make everything a class, even when it doesn't match! We all know the result: the infamous AbstractSingletonGenericFactoryAdaptorFramework.

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Tom Brooks II

"Was"? OOP is still very much alive and evolving. It is the reigning champion of large-scale development and virtually all video game development. Well formed OOP is a success and, while they certainly have their uses, functional languages aren't in the same league in terms of scalability.

Just like anything else, OOP can be abused. That's very much a human problem. If anything, functional languages like Haskell are going to suffer much more from that as they are much harder to interpret. It seems to me that many new "flavor of the month" languages, are focused on compressing code. Verbosity of code is not a bad thing. Code bloat is bad, but that again comes back to a human problem.

At this point in time, OOP is just a part of programmatic evolution. I have not been convinced of a more practical alternative.

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Active Member
Tom Brooks II
"Was"? OOP is still very much alive and evolving. It is the reigning champion of large-scale development and virtually all video game development. Well formed OOP is a success and, while they certainly have their uses, functional languages aren't in the same league in terms of scalability.

Just like anything else, OOP can be abused. That's very much a human problem. If anything, functional languages like Haskell are going to suffer much more from that as they are much harder to interpret. It seems to me that many new "flavor of the month" languages, are focused on compressing code. Verbosity of code is not a bad thing. Code bloat is bad, but that again comes back to a human problem.

At this point in time, OOP is just a part of programmatic evolution. I have not been convinced of a more practical alternative.

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I can see a lot of useful information. Very interesting!