How do I know if I can become a programmer?

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Active Member
Barry Rountree

“I want to learn programming, but I don’t want to waste my time if I can’t do it.”

In my experience, good programmers don’t bother asking if they can do something or not, and they don’t spend a lot of thought on whether or not they’re wasting time.

There are a lot of professions out there where learning skill [math]x[/math] is expected to take [math]y[/math] hours and lead to salary [math]z[/math]. Music, math and chess are not those kind of professions, and programming is more like those than dentistry, auto body repair or being a CPA.

As to brain wiring: if you have an unusually high level of curiosity and (for tasks that interest you) an exceptional capacity to tolerate failure, you’re good to go. Curious people don’t tend to be overly concerned with wasting time, and people who tolerate failure well don’t spent a lot of effort wondering if they can do something. They just start, and if they fail (and fail repeatedly), no big deal.

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