How important is dynamic programming for programming interviews?

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Brian Bi

It comes up often enough so that you should invest some effort into preparing for it. But I think it is good enough just to be familiar with all the classical DP problems, such as making change in the fewest coins, Plentiful Paths, and longest common substring. At Google, if you get asked a dynamic programming question that's harder than that, it'll probably be the second question on your interview, and it won't hurt you if you can't solve it. Only very few companies would expect you to be able to solve harder DP problems (MemSQL comes to mind).

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Sonali D

Active Member
Dynamic Programming is a great technique to optimize problems especially if the problem involves Maximization, Minimization, Optimization or Counting
And to answer your question, it is important.
Here are some great dynamic programming interview questions you might find helpful: Dynamic Programming - InterviewBit