What are some websites similar to Khan academy?

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Joshua Pan

Math curriculum (World of Math in KA):

Art of Problem Solving:

  • one of the largest online math communities out there
  • try out Alcumus to hone your mathematics skills in different categories/topics
  • one of their best features are their books :) (definitely check those out, I recommend it)


  • hard problems in different categories
  • solve lots of problems to level up (kind of like Khan Academy, but on steroids)


  • open source site like a Wikipedia for math geeks
  • still in beta, but has plenty of topics you can read about, practice problems on, and weekly problemsets!!

(taken from my answer: Joshua Pan's answer to Just finished getting a 100% through Khan Academy mathematics. Where should I learn mathematics from next?)

Learning style (through videos):

The following sites mostly teach through videos, but have more rigorous assignments. Unlike KA which only have math exercises (pretty simple), these courses usually require you to go out of your comfort zone and try actual problemsets, written assignments, hard thinking.

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